Alexander Furones

Olaf's Conquest

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This is a Battleship clone done for The Odin Project as part of the JavaScript course and was coded with TDD methodology, with the exception for the DOM module. The ESlint guide used was Airbnb-base.

React Bookshelf

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This is a simple ReactJS application that allows users to save and edit a collection of books. It takes advantage of localStorage for session persistence

Olaf's Social-Book

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This is a Facebook clone done for The Odin Project as part of the Ruby on Rails course. The application is backend heavy and lacks the AJAX calls in the frontend.


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This is a project done as part of the Ruby On Rails course for The Odin Project. The assignment consisted of creating a Hangman clone with Sinatra.

Math lab attendance

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Access database where students create an attendance profile and the application tracks student attendance and generates monthly reports. Also contains a suite of administrative tools such as data cleaning, live lab capacity queries and attendance validation.